There are two standard lengths of Crosman Steel Breeches:
Normal and Short.
Well, now there's Super Short. Coming in at 3.75", it's the
shortest, lightest steel breech you can find.
This is a "front screw" steel breech, so it's compatible on
all main tubes, including the pumpers 1377 and 1322.
A "hidden screw" Super Short
is available now, too. Read
Explain Breeches for details.
They replace your plastic
breech on your 22xx line of pistols and rifles (1322 2240 2250 2260 2400).
They are solid steel
construction and infinitely more durable than the plastic breech that came
on your gun.
They feature a 3/8" dovetail
for mounting a scope.
The included Crosman
instructions are notoriously inadequate, so I include my own 4-page

These photos show the three lengths of breeches available. This listing is
obviously for the shortest one, at the bottom.
